Happenings, lots of them.
-new site on the way.
-& deckfight is moving. i mean physical locations. will let that cat out soon.
-still at TUMBLR. we gots some cool stuff over there. join us.
More after the jump...
I started eskimo kiss records on a cold winter’s day in early 2000. It was snowing, which was somewhat atypical for the southeastern tip of North Carolina. Not a fan of cold weather, I felt sort of trapped, I think both due to the snow and also the confines of our tiny coastal town. Perhaps I was bored.
A few months prior to that snowstorm, which became known as the “Blizzard of 2000,” my then-husband had randomly won an all-expenses paid vacation to Las Vegas. While we were there I hit the jackpot on a slot machine. I came home with $4,000, not a huge sum by most people’s standards, but still, you can do a lot with $4,000. It just so happened that our band was sitting on a record we had just finished recording, wondering what to do with it. Suddenly, we had the money to put it out. And so on that snowy day, we decided it made sense to start a record label.
But since then, eskimo kiss has released 21 records. And me, I’ve divorced, moved
(several times), and fallen in love again. I’ve made lots of new friends, many through this label. I’ve lost some people really close to me. I’ve changed careers. And I’ve written songs about all of the above. Through it all, the only real day-to-day constant has been my label, the songs, and my cat. (I wrote a song about him too.) So as I began putting together this collection of songs, to serve as the final release for eskimo kiss, I realized it’s basically a documentation of the past 10 years of my life. As I listened to all the releases, trying to decide which songs to include, I couldn’t help but think of the moves, the new friends, the old ones … the heartbreak and the happiness that I felt along the way.
Infinite Arms
Columbia Records, May 18, 2010
mp3: Band of Horses -- "Factory"
Review by Jason Frye
Call it a knife in the wound, call it a restless night waiting for her to call, Infinite Arms embodies that last beautiful gasp of unrequited love and forces you to relive it. But don’t worry, you come out the other side better for the journey.
Here’s our song-by-song breakdown of the new album from South Carolina's Band of Horses...
“Factory” is like seeing a movie alone; like hearing a voice in an empty house.
“Laredo” is the lovesick moment when you know you’re not over her.
“Blue Beard” and “On My Way Back Home” are the Beach Boys on Xanax; the continuation of the story from Pet Sounds’ “Sloop John B” with our hero finally home but finding himself filled with longing for the sea.
“Infinite Arms” is a codeine dream you don’t want to wake from.
“Dilly” is a sad summertime pop song.
“Evening Kitchen” plays like a gritty, slow motion film of a boy and girl on swings intercut with their last date, flowers forgotten on the table.
“Older” is the revelation that leaving was the best thing to do.
“For Annabelle” is an empty field stretching an impossible distance to the horizon.
“NW Apartment” is the excitement of something new, the promise of a closed door.
“Neighbor” is the relief of seeing the porch light left on for your return.
Caddywhompus "GUILT" from Neko Neko Films on Vimeo.
Annabel - People & Places from Michael Ormiston on Vimeo.
Apr 30 2010 8:00P
The Basement Nashville, TN (door sales only)*
May 1 2010 8:00P
Masquerade -Hell Stage Atlanta, GA *
May 4 2010 8:00P
Local 506 Chapel Hill, NC *
May 5 2010 8:00P
Rock and Roll Hotel Washington DC (sold out) *
"Look in the mirror/try to raise just one eyebrow/it's pretty weird/makes your head feel like it isn't yours..."What the...? Yeah, and there's more where that came from.