The Mad Men Reading List: At The Daily Beast.
Yes, it includes Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, but some other not so obvious ones as well (h/t Bookforum).
Review of the new book about Gigposters.com: At PopMatters.
The best:
No matter how many times one opens the book there is always something new to see, a shape or line that stands out. The posters seem to change with your mood, or the weather, the images evoking different spirits, stories, ideas. The best ones have nothing apparently in common with their subjects.Two new lit mags that do not have "Electric" in their names: The Collagist and Staccato Fiction.
On a separate note, Kevin Wilson has a piece in The Collagist. I have read about three or four of his stories in the past week, all in different locations. And it all started w/ my alumni magazine. I am an unintentional stalker of Kevin Wilson (that is assuming that all of the instances I have recently read Kevin Wilson fiction is the same Kevin Wilson. I may just be an unintentional stalker of multiple short story writers named "Kevin Wilson.")
A totally honest confession of a desire to gain fame by writing a book: At The Nervous Breakdown.
The Authors Guild and Google: At The Rumpus.
Mandatory/Obligatory Dave Eggers link: At The Washington Post (h/t Largehearted)
Take that Vol. 1 Brooklyn!
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