How is a band making a political statement news? Has Pitchfork heard of freaking punk rock? And, you know, good old-fashioned angst? Whether you agree or not with whatever The Fiery Furnaces have to say about healthcare or doctors or Obama or whomever, at least they're using their platform for something.
Why not make sure the world knows that all of us true grandmother-loving, pro-American, ‘young people’ haven’t given up our political involvement?Why not, ask the Furnaces? Once art and politics, religion and other issues seemed to go hand-in-hand, now they seem to go foot-in-mouth. Either everybody is too scared to say something and just want to focus on their "art" and craft another quirky lyric about a failed relationship or something. Or nobody knows anything anymore. I'll go with the latter.They think that us ‘young people’ (so to speak…) don’t care anymore, you know. That we have we have retreated to our caves, or communes, or moms’ basements, or new condos in the 11222, or… whatevs.
Show them that it’s not true! (And there’s a good chance that you don’t have health insurance to begin with…..)
Oh yeah, and The Fiery Furnaces are a playing a host of dates in the South in support of I'm Going Away, along with White Rabbits who also have their own excellent album out. Dates and vids after the jump...
The Fiery Furnaces/White Rabbits Tour Dates
8/16 RICHMOND, VA / The National w/ White Rabbits
8/17 CARRBORO, NC / Cat’s Cradle w/ White Rabbits
8/18 CHARLOTTE, NC / Visulite Theatre w/ White Rabbits
8/19 NASHVILLE, TN / Mercy Lounge w/ White Rabbits
8/20 ATLANTA, GA / Variety Playhouse w/ White Rabbits
8/21 BIRMINGHAM, AL / Bottletree w/ White Rabbits
8/22 TAMPA, FL / The Orpheum
8/23 ORLANDO, FL / The Social w/ White Rabbits
8/25 ASHEVILLE, NC / The Grey Eagle w/ White Rabbits
8/26 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA / Fry’s Spring Beach Club w/ White Rabbits
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