Sleep Bellum Sonno: "House of Spades"
New Jersey's Sleep Bellum Sonno are on tour with Rapid Cities promoting their latest release, Judge Us By How We Lived Our Lives Not By How We Made Our Living. Here are the five best things they've heard recently (with southern tour dates following...):
None of us are good at impressions.
Really. I promise! It is in your best interest to never ask us to attempt to mimic an accent. But as terrible as we are, for some reason we all have the bad habit of trying. For the most part it's intentional, we close the van doors and try our hardest to sound like we belong in that city. We add some drawl or over-exaggerate our vowels, but no matter how hard we try we never quite get it right. I guess, in a way, being bad at it is part of what makes it great.
And it is… Until we realize that we can't stop. We'll stop to get gas and forget to drop character. We'll pull over to eat and forget to turn off our lisps before ordering. And in the end we come home with a whole new vernacular.
5 ways to say "Cool"...

It's a cliche, I know. And as often as it gets pointed out you would think people would be overly conscious of using it, but just as we can't deny being New Yawka's, our friends in Black Churches certainly aren't hiding the fact that they live a stones throw from Bawston either.

When we toured out to the border of Kansas and Missouri this winter it was officially the furthest we had traveled as a band. We didn't know what to expect, but one of the greatest things about music is its ability to create instant friendships, like we did with Texas Instruments and Grizzly J. Berry. Our late night guided tours and drunken views from the roofs of 200 year old hotels were nothing short of, well, Badass.
AMAZING! (or A-maaaaaazing)

A while back some of our best friends, who helped us start this band, moved a few hours upstate for school. We joked that their wouldn't be anything for them to do, which i realize now is unfair. There wasn't less to do, just less places to do it. So when they met some buddies and started spending all of their time knocking out some hits, it was only a matter of time before their personalities and mannerisms started rubbing off on each other. The exaggerated hand gestures that accompany this one are almost as fun to watch as TIMESHARES are live.
TIGHT! (or ToyT)

We have been to Rockford, Illinois a few times now. If there were only one other place in this country that we always feel at home, I might say its Rockford. But as well as we have gotten to know Warren Franklin and the guys in Joie De Vivre I still can't get used to this. Its not really the word itself that gets my attention, or even the pronunciation, it's the quantity! Its nonstop. Which, i guess, in their defense, is understandable: The land of Cheap Trick has a lot of good things going for it right now, and these guys are responsible for a lot of it.

If there is any one group of people to blame for our slang, it's Sainthood Reps. A few close friends of ours have put together a new superpower on Long Island. You may not have heard their songs yet, but you can't spend an hour in our town without hearing someone use one of their expressions. I don't know how most of them start, but when they do they catch on and spread quickly; as their music will soon. I'm confident of that.
What's everybody's favorite slang word right now?
Sleep Bellum Sonno w/ Rapid Cities Tour Dates:
March 14
Empire w/ Rapid Cities, Flechette, and In Circles
Richmond, Virginia
Mar 15 2010
The Soapbox w/ Rapid Cities
Wilmington, North Carolina
Mar 16 2010
Ye Old Shoppe w/ Rapid Cities & We were kids
Rock Hill, South Carolina
Mar 17 2010
The Pinhook w/ Rapid Cities
Durham, North Carolina
Mar 18 2010
Blue Nile w/ Rapid Cities
Harrisonburg, Virginia
wilbraham! represent!