(I jacked this photo from the awesome interv. w/ J.A. Tyler at The Faster Times. Hope everyone is cool with that).
Like I said yesterday, Mudluscious is awesome and I'm thinking just by association maybe, that editor J.A. Tyler is cool. Though his publishing schedule seems pretty prolific, his own writing is found in a lot of places as well.
J. A. is the author of Inconceivable Wilson (scrambler books, 2009), Sinatra (vox press, 2010), In Love With a Ghost (willows wept press, 2010), A Man of Glass & All The Ways We Have Failed (fugue state press, 2011) and other upcoming books. His work has also appeared in Diagram, Sleepingfish, Caketrain, Fairy Tale Review, elimae, & Action, Yes among others.
In addition to all that madness, books from Mudluscious can be found at: www.mudlusciouspress.com.
Here are the five best things J.A. has read recently:
1. Sleepingfish 8 just released from the always primed & bursting Derek White, this time in editorial-tandem with Gary Lutz, & they turned out an issue that was in the words of Soul Coughing, ‘aesthetically pleasing, in other words, fly’. Works by Sasha Fletcher, Blake Butler, Dennis Cooper, & far too many others to name. I loved that thing.
2. I read a note on the wrapper to a pair of chopsticks – it said: ‘please enjoy this good & delicious, the dynasty of Chinese culture &’. Those words amaze me.
3. Everything I read from Publishing Genius Press including the recent Easter Rabbit by Joseph Young, A Jello Horse by Matthew Simmons, & Mlkng Sckls by Justin Sirois. Seriously, you can’t go wrong with this mad mad press.

4. I am sitting by a sign that says ‘Rob Schneider for America’s Libraries’ – I don’t know, it scares me on many levels.
5. Baby Leg was an enormous book: a hardback version of a formerly serialized (online) story by Brian Evenson & the debut release from the newly formed New York Tyrant Books – covered in Evenson’s own bloodied fingerprints this was a book that I thought about for days after I finished, the images roaming my head & filtering into the rest of me.
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