The vook (video-book hybrids). Sounds like a wookie: At Salon.
Dan Chaon was kind-of sort-of inspired by LOST (which is a good thing, in my book): At Bookslut.
Sometimes the way that the plot began to fit together in LOST, and the way that structurally they used flashbacks and flash forwards was really intriguing to me. I think I found that really useful as an inspiration in the writing of this book. I guess because there’s a lot of Hitchcock in the book, I guess part of me felt like I was writing a kind of Hitchcock movie. That stuff has a very big part in my imagination, as does horror, really.
Vol. 1 Brooklyn is putting out books. This looks cool and they have a bunch coming up: At Vol. 1 Brooklyn.
Interv. w/ Megan Abbott, who writes some hard-boiled stuff: At Brooklyn Rail.
Don't irrationally hate: From Nathan Bransford
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