A selfish reason for doing the Albums of the Decade Blog Tour (which wraps today with Sound as Language) is to discover new music for myself. As I said in my list, there is no way to hear everything.
So the following five albums are ones I'm interested in hearing that other people on the tour listed. Most of these I had heard the name of the band, but their music never crossed my path. They were like myths made real.
I'll let you investigate to find who listed each album as one of their faves. And again, a big thanks to all of these blogs for agreeing to do this. Thanks to Sound as Language for the logo!
5. Acceptance - Phantoms
4. Oxbow - An Evil Heat
3. The Lawrence Arms - The Greatest Story Ever Told
2. Menomena - I Am the Fun Blame Monster
1. Johnny Foreigner - Grace And The Bigger Picture
The Acceptance album is sheer perfection. Remember discussing our love for Botch a while back (2003?). Good dudes, even better album. Matt Pinfield signed these guys to Capitol. Aren't they due for another...soon?