Lit Randomness. Let's git'er done (is that how you spell it?).
Mewithoutyou frontman Aaron Weiss explains how M.R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen's My Love You, My Children inspires the band: At Spin.
The best:
Before it was simple, and now I've become more complicated. You read the same words but you have more things to worry about now. But the message is so simple. On one hand it stays the same, that love is still the greatest. It's nothing everyone doesn't already know -- that love is the greatest.Holy cow! Libraries using creative self-promotion! Who would've thought this could make sense? At The Kansas City Star. (h/t Bookslut)
A (gasp!) Newsweek Double (yeah, they did an alright job with their book issue, out now): What to Read Now and Why (a pretty good list, actually) & Chip Kidd's Favorite Covers (includes Jimmy Corrigan!)
Interv. w/ Glenn Eichler (of The Colbert Report) and artist Nick Bertozzi about their new graphic novel, Stuffed!: At Newsrama (h/t Largehearted).
The best:
"I got the idea from a tiny story I’d read in The New York Times some years ago about a museum in Banyoles, Spain called the Darder Museum of Natural History. The museum had had a stuffed human skin on display for years, and was refusing requests to take it off display. It had become an issue because Barcelona was going to host the Summer Olympics and Banyoles was slated to be the site of a crew race, but the Olympics were threatening to relocate the race over the controversy. Ultimately, the stuffed man was repatriated to Botswana and given a state funeral."-Glen Eichler
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