More Joe Meno. Sure, I'll keep pumping up this book. I like it that much. Plus, this is the best interview I've seen w/ him: At The Millions.
The best: "Meno was quick to emphasize that Norton is an independent publisher, owned by its employees, and that, although older and much larger, it holds the same ideals as a small press like Akashic."
Read my review of The Great Perhaps here.
And also from The Millions: "An Open Letter to Kanye West" by Jeff Hobbs.
He takes Kanye to task for being a "non-reader" while promoting a book.
Interview w/ lit blogger Ed Champion: At Abbeville.
The best: "For some reason, people paid attention and were amused with what I had to say. I was truly astonished to learn just how many people in New York I had pissed off for telling the truth."

Interv. w/ Keyhole Mag and Press Editor Peter Cole: At HTML Giant.
The best: "I keep trying to find ways to get the writers in front of non-writers, and that’s how we ended up doing so much so fast, just adding on projects trying to do that. It seems the consensus is that journals are read mainly by writers and are basically only used by writers and agents to work out book deals–if I thought that’s all they were good for, I wouldn’t be doing it."
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