Lit Randomness pops up on Mondays and Wednesdays, or whenever else we feel like it.
Joshua Mohr of The Rumpus has a sit-down w/ Joe Meno: At the Rumpus.
(One of) the best:
Rumpus: I just heard David Sedaris is reading across town at the same time as we are. Pre-sold 700 tickets, or something viciously ridiculous like that. Do you think anyone will come to our reading?Junot Diaz's fav. NY writer: Also at The Rumpus.
20 q's w/ Aleksander Hemon, author of Love and Obstacle: At PopMatters.
The best:
After years of being able to sleep in any situation: on the street, at work, in school etc., I managed to sleep through pain. That’s pretty impressive, if I may say so myself.Conversation b/w Matthew Vollmer (Future Missionaries of America) and Nic Brown (Floodmarkers): At The Millions.
Hey, here's our interview w/ Nic Brown!
Conversational Reading complicates the New Yorker's point about low wages hurting memoirs:
At Convesational Reading.
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